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Krishna Janmashtami 2025,Date shubh muhurat & Lesson From Krishna Life

Celebrate Krishna Janmashtami 2025 with Divine Enthusiasm Know  the Date, Shubh Muhurat, and Spiritual Life Lessons From Lord Krishna’s journey. Lord Krishna Life Lesson Implies a valuable teaching that can be applied to Everyday life for promoting personal growth and self-improvement.

Krishna Janmashatmi 2025,Date & Shubh Muhurat

Date Starting Time of Shubh muhuratEnding time of Shubh Muhurat
16  August 202512:04 Am12:47 Am

Lesson From Lord Krishna Life

krishna janmashatmi 2025

Today,In Kalyug The world and you people can  Learn From shri Krishna Life because in  the life of Shri Krishna there is Love, Sacrifice, Dedication, Strength, Positivity and Wisdom as well as life war policy, all this is what you need, all these things are your weapons and weapons in today’s time is  Shri Krishna.

In kalyug time wars are taking place in the world, so many incidents of crime against women are happening in India. Depression and Unemployment are increasing among the Youth. Then there is only Solution to all these Problems is  shri Krishna life. And today you will  learn these all  from shri krishana life.

 (1) Management Guru: You can make shri krishana your life management Guru. You can learn life management from shri krishna. Just Think  the moment Lord Shri Krishna was born, death was closest to him on that night.  Shri Krishna’s life was saved, but for this  he had to be separated from his parents and this process of separation from his loved ones continued throughout his life, till the end, first his mother Devaki and father Vasudev were left, then Nand Baba and  Yashoda who  raised him, he got lost, then Gokul and beloved Radha Rani also got lost from him and finally the city of Dwarka which he established also got merged into the sea.

Shri Krishna lost everything in his life but never got distracted and did not give up, hence today you can learn a lot from this art of living of Shri Krishna.

(2)Courage : If One has the courage to tolerate a thousand mistakes of shishupal even after being strong, then he will be called Shri Krishna. 

(3) Glory : Even after having the Glory like  Dwarka, if he has the courage to embrace a friend like Sudama, then he will be called Shri Krishna who would have suffered a fate like Sudarshan Chakra.

(4)Powerful Even after becoming so  powerful, if the Murli remains in his hand, then he can be Shri Krishna. The one who fills the weak with energy even after being powerful and The one who becomes the charioteer after becoming so powerful is Shri Krishna.

(5) Struggles: The one who believes in winning the struggle in every situation like continued separation from Families, Beloved and friends ,faced enemies from  childhood and being chased by jarasandha   is called shri krishna.

(6)Most Practical: He had even changed his capital to avoid unnecessary war and while doing  shri krishna did  not worry  even for a moment and that is why shri krishna is  also called  the Most Practical God.

In the life of Lord Krishna, he kept losing everything from him, but still he  kept moving forward and did not get distracted, therefore, many of you who feel that great injustice is being done to them and that they are missing a lot in life, can take inspiration from Lord Shri Krishna life.

 Diplomacy from shri krishna Life

Krishna janmashtami 2025

Shri Krishna believed that  When the enemy is Powerful, Diplomacy should be used against them and they did exactly the same with Kalvan and Jarasandh

Diplomacy : They got Kalvan killed at the hands of Muchkund and Jarasandha at the hands of Bhima and both these warriors were very powerful but Shri Krishna killed them before the war.  He did this and said that when the enemy is more powerful than you should use diplomacy with your mind. Shri Krishna used to say that in war, numerical strength is not important, but courage, policy and using the right weapon and person at the right time is important.

Numerical strength: In the war of Mahabharata, Pandavas were only five brothers and Kauravas were 100 brothers. The number of Pandavas was less but due to the war policy of Shri Krishna, Pandavas finally won in this war which lasted for 18 days.

Power to Fight : Lord Shri Krishna is also called Yogeshwar, who has the power to fight wars. While Preaching Gita, Shri Krishna said to Arjun that if  Arjun left the battlefield, it would bring him infamy in the whole world  and infamy is greater than death. By saying this, he told Arjun That Jarasabdh was repeatedly challenging shri krishna by attacking mathura, then shri krishna left the battlefield to avoid  unnecessary war,  due to which he was also called Ranchod.

Shri krishna knew that when he left the battlefield against Jarasandha, the world would call him leaving the battle but he did not worry about this infamy and thought that if he got entangled in this meaningless war then the Progress of his society would stop and that is why he Destroyed the Positive energy and left this battlefield and told the world that it is not necessary to fight a war every time in life and sometimes you also have to see what you will achieve in the end from that war.

 8 Life Rules  from shri krishna Life 

Krishna janmashatmi 2025

In the Hindu calendar, the eighth day of the month is called Ashtami. So, today, note down the eight things that you can learn from Lord Krishna’s life. That will fit in your life. 

 Those people who differentiate between religion and karma. For those Shri Krishna says that religion is achieved only through action and there is no religion without action. If you think that you will get everything without doing action, then you have gone astray.

(1) Karma: The first thing you should do is to be careful about your karma.  Give utmost importance to the goal but don’t worry about the result, it is about enjoying the journey to reach the goal, it is about achieving the goal.

(2) Life Incident : Secondly, whatever happens in life, there is definitely a reason behind it. Whatever happens, happens for good. So instead of getting sad about everything, learn to accept every incident.

(3) Enjoyment: Calling back bad experiences is the third step. The thing is that Shri Krishna was  God, so he knew what was going to happen in the future because he was God. Even after knowing everything, he lived in the present and kept making plans and kept struggling accordingly. So leaving aside the worry of what would happen tomorrow,  kept on living in the present. Enjoy what you have today.

(4) Peace : Fourth thing Lord Krishna used to say that anger, greed and ego are the three gates to hell. Give up these three bad habits today and adopt peace in your life.

(5) Sacrifice; Shri Krishna sacrificed his whole life, Because Nothing is achieved without sacrifice ,So to move forward in life and most important Always be ready to sacrifice your comfort zone , money, time, and sense of security.

(6) Humble: Lord Krishna was the king of Dwarka, he was a very skilled warrior, he had everything but he was humble, And always tried to make other people happy because without humility the greatest success is useless.

(7) No work is small: Seventh thing is that despite being Lord Krishna (Bhagwan) He became Arjun’s charioteer in the Mahabharata war and taught that no work is small or big and you should always love your work.

 (8) True Friendship : Eighth and last thing, in today’s time, very few people get good and true friends. If you have such friends, then keep them safe like Shri Krishna and in return always be of help to such friends.

 Shri Krishna, despite being God, was in the role of a spiritual guru. when you go through Problems in your life  you can remember Shri Krishna as your Spiritual guru.

Lord krishna is like User Manual

Life of Lord Krishna is like a user manual in itself. When you buy an Electronic Product,  then along with that  you get a user manual in which it is written that how you have to use this product and  what are the features in this product.

 And if there is ever any problem in that product, if ever a situation arises in which it does not work properly then The solution to that problem is also written in the manual.

Smile and Positivity :   Everyone feels that life is stressful . We are being cheated and injustice is Done to me, disease is taking away, but in the life of Shri Krishna, he lost everything, still he did not get disturbed, today you have  learned this . but if something was not lost in shri krishna life i, it was his smile and his positivity. That is why Shri Krishna is not a symbol of sorrow but of celebration and user manual in our life .






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